Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lindsay Lohan, Skank gets a new mug shot

Those eyes! Those eyebrows! Those lips! The Santa Monica Police Department has released Lindsay Lohan's newest booking photo. As we saw on Monday, Lohan, 26, who was glitter-bombed on her way into the courthouse, made a plea deal in her misdemeanor car crash case that includes 90 days in a rehab facility. On Tuesday, as a formality, she turned herself in to police to be booked and released. And she took to Twitter on Tuesday night to shoot down a report that said she was out clubbing, something the judge warned her would not be a good idea to do. "Guys relax, that was NOT me at A/V or in the @mrpink SUV. I'm taking this seriously and focused on the road ahead." She added, "I stayed in last night, after a pretty long day...and ordered sushi to my hotel."
The rest of the story